February: President Bush announce the new budget - a deficit of 410 billion USD, Super tuesday arrive - Hillary is weakened, Obama strengthened and McCain seems like a winner, Ukraine and Russia solves the dispute they have had over the gas pipelines, Fidel Castro retires, UK bank Northern Rock goes belly up, the nation Kosovo is born, I have my interview for Norwegian School of Management

April: Swedish post will merge with the Danish counterpart, Albania and Croatia are invited to join NATO, Hillary sees a lot of commotion in her campaign for the White House and calls on Bush to boycott the ceremony of the Olympic games, Silvio Berlusconi is elected president of Italy - again, Josef Fritzl is revealed to have incarcerated her daughter for a very very long time, GM cut production of SUVs and pick ups in detroit - they dont sell, 1-year T-bill is introduced to cope with the budget deficit in the US, I decide to sell my apartment in Stockholm

June: bank crisis seems to arise in the US - Wachovia fires their CEO, the price of a barrell of crude reaches a new record with an increase of more than 11 USD in one day - new price: in excess of 138 USD!, Hillary suspends her presidential campaign and Obama is in a small lead over McCain, in Sweden - the FRA law allowing emails to be stored and read by the government is put into affect, Spain wins the Euro, I am buying books of ebay.com
July: Starbucks announce that they will close shops, the US Fed tightens mortgage regulations - something seems to smell, UBS announce that they have taken losses of more than 180 billion Swedish SEK (more than the entire Swedish bank crisis 1990-1992), Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are in no danger according to Ben Bernanke, The Dark Knight - the second new installment of Batman sets several box office records worldwide, the politicians in the US seems to have understood that the financial system needs helping and several laws and plans are made public, I am waiting and reading
August: Conflict between Georgia and Russie erupts, Beijing Olympics start, UK home repossessions rise by more than 48%, Michael Phelps manages to reach 8 gold medals in one single olympic game, Obama secures the democratic nomination, Italian airliner Alitalia is now broke, Sarah Palin enters the national political scene in the US - could the GOP take the white house?, I move to Oslo and start at the MBA program at BI Norwegian School of Management
September: Unemployment rate is now at its record height in the US since 2003, Washington Mutual - a US bank - is hit hard in the financial crisis, oil prices rise through cut in OPEC production, Lehman Brothers together with AIG and other companies are hit HARD in the financial crisis - it will not just blow over, trading is hindered at the Russian stock exchange due to some heavy losses, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are turned into ordinary banks to increase their cash flows, firs presidential debate between Obama and McCain, I am sweating at school - its a lot
October: Biden and Palin debate - its a tie, the 700 bn USD bailout planned is signed by Bush, OJ Simpson is sentenced to jail, the noise coming from the financial markets is tedious and horrible, the Icelandic financial sector is blown to pieces, IMF warns of a global meltdown, Danish Sterling files for bankruptcy - the Icelandic owners could not afford to keep it afloat - a case of a bit aggressive gearing?, I start to feel the pressure in school
November: Obama secures the race for the White House and becomes the 44th president of the United States, Swedish I-bank Carnegie is taken over by the Swedish government due to malpractice, the Euro-zone officially enters recession, crude is now down to approximately 40 USD - a more than 100 USD decline since the record prices during the summer, pirates operates off the coast of Somalia, I finish up the first block of school and get ready to study in China
December: Manny Pacquiao defeats Oscar De La Hoya and is considered the best pound-for-pound boxer from Asia - ever, insane interest rates all over the world - Australia, Sweden and the US, the US automotive industry is biting the dust - could this be the end of the Big 3 from Detroit?, Switzerland joins the Shengen Agreement with the EU, the US economy is seeing signs of entering a depression - the Great Depression II?, fighting erupts between Palestine and Israel with catastrophic consequences, I celebrate the holidays in Shanghai and Beijing
The end of 2008 - lets hope for a good 2009 - I wish all the readers a very happy New Year!