
The narrow perspective of Swedish media

I logged on to DI.se - the Swedish business magazine (Norwegian DN.no is better) and read a tiresome article about 2008 where they had invited two well-known debaters, Maria Rankka (Conservative) and Göran Greider (Socialist). This to me, corresponds to the worst in Scandinavian media where two, fairly well-known, persons get to "speak" to the media and adress their "truth". A very wise person once said "many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view".

If I would have been the editor I would have seeked out a couple of Scientists, for example at KTH (the technical university in Stockholm) and Stockholm School of Economics and let them debate and think about the past year. This, of course, would have been a more analytical and longer piece which probably would have forced the reader to actually analyze and think about the past year, instead of getting their own opinions reinforced. To me, 2008 was the year when corporate greed (Incarceration of the Cevian-Man, insider trading at Handelsbanken, the collapse of investment house Carnegie) and stupid bank deals (Carnegie again, SEBs creation of "secured" house loans in the Baltics, and Swedbanks emission of new stocks in order to cover investments in the Ukraine and the Baltics) got introduced into the Swedish corporate world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah Carl, they should have invited me man :-)

On a serious note, I agree, most of the time its the non-experts who make experts comments on the media, its a weird world and its all about guanxi .. huh !