I should add that I have bought my tickets to China... Im flying with Swiss for SEK ~ 6 400. Not that bad to be honest (return ticket to Shanghai, from Stockholm - via Zürich).

Today has been a weird day. We have had two guest lecturers.. An old BI MBA told us about Intellectual Property Rights and now we are having a class discussion about Morgan Motor company and what kind of resources that are really utilized to create competitive advantage. I would like to finish up my reading for this week.

The last picture is of Sheremetyevo 2 - the international airport located in Moscow.
Book your flights cheaper on Aeroflot next time, we get you there cheaply and with lots of free drinks... for pilots.
Hello nice Russian Sales Rep!
Thank you for this very interesting information. I did actually ponder flying with Aeroflot.. The thing is that I dont want to have my transit at Sheremeteyvo 2.. which is perhaps one of the holes in the world that god has forgotten.. and I dont want to go back =)
// carl
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