We are now picking up the pace from the slow start. I read a great article by Michael Lewis in the magazine
Portfolio the other day (which is a very good read). There was this great article by Michael Lewis about the end of overpaying Wall Street bankers and the end of an era (somewhat like the one he described in Liar's Poker - which I never actually read.. too many people told me about the book and its greatness which made me not read it). Well, this article is really good -
After the fall, by
Michael Lewis.
(The picture: the bull is certainly dead.. for now.. ever heard of Bull Phoenix?)
On the other hand, Im thrilled about our consultancy project. Now back to the lecture in Macro.
Yeah sure, only that people made more money last year than Michael Lewis ever saw in his day, even adjusted for whatever. It will come back, the question is just how many years it will take.
Hey MA, thanks for comment. Of course, i def. believe that the whole bonus extravaganza will come back.. its just a matter of time i guess (not that i have all the answers, i just believe that man or humanity have a really hard time to learn and to grasp what we need to do in order to progress in a society.. i guess thats one of the things that makes life interesting). Hope you enjoy the rest of my blog! // carl
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