
Final day

Today, the fifth of july, 2009, I am taking the bus to my final day of ordinary MBA studies. It feels weird, but so good. The weather has also shifted heavily here in Oslo, from fantastic +32 centigrades to +15 and rain. Well, I have also decided that I in the end of next week will upload a couple of videos where I will describe my adventure in more detail and so on. A couple of minutes of video. I have also decided that those postings are going to be my last on my MBA blog. The reason for this is because I feel that when I get out of this bubble and start working, I dont think I have the energy nor the time to keep up with postings that are interesting and relevant, and since this blog has been about school and actually taking a MBA, Im closing it. This has been an incredible journey that I believe that a lot of more people should try. Over and out, on to the LNG propulsion.


  1. Marika Torsdotter5 July 2009 at 20:59

    Antar att man får säga grattis isf nu när du haft din sista "skoldag"! Ses vi på WG ngt i höst, eller?

  2. Hej Marika.
    Vi ses på WG.
