

Finally, it is now officially easter/passover depending on your choice of religion. I am also free from school which feels absolutely fantastic. I am going to leave for Stockholm and I am definitely not going to do anythingi that isnt necessary.. I feel that I need a hot shower, a couple of beers and some nice chicken salad, prepared with some light sauce.

I have also been online and tried to read up on Gladwell and the New Yorker, seems like a very read-worthy piece of material.. Along with the Economist and HBR i guess. I have found a great article written by David Remnick, the editor of chief of the New Yorker... It is called "Kid Dynamite Blows Up", a very interesting piece on Mike Tyson and the world which he saw when he got out of jail back in 1997. Very interesting!

Enjoy the video!

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